Author: <span>jadev1</span>

POSC 360

The United Nations and International Organizations This course will examine the history and roles of international organizations in global politics. Special attention will be paid to the United Nations, but organizations such as the European Union, NATO, and Amnesty International may also be examined.

Welcome to my E-Portfolio

Hello and welcome to my E-portfolio. My directed audience is the hiring board for the Sto:lo Service Agency. My field of study is political sciences and Indigenous studies and I am hoping to study political sciences for my masters program once my degree is completed. My intended area of research …

Indigenous Governance

Throughout my undergraduate degree I have been working with a team of researchers to develop a document that cross references the Sto:lo declaration and the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples. The research was conducted through interviews, readings, attending meetings, and learning about legislation. My research was …